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HAVE A New Kid by Friday   Group Discussion
      Pre-recorded presentation online only  but on your time schedule.
If you missed a session please watch the video(s) prior to attending
They are "unionized' ...and growing stronger
    ice breaker questions - watch video - discuss
    questions reflections and insights - game plan
Where did they come from?      (workbook p.20)
    what is your number one challenge with your child right now?
    How does your response impact your relationship with your child?
    What do your children fight about most?
Disarming the Dude (or Dudette) with "Tude"   (workbook p.29)
     Which child do you butt heads with most in your family.
     Which is more important to say or do the right things?
     Three simple strategies for success...

Show me a "mean" teacher - I'll show you a good one!  (p.38)
   If you could choose only three qualities for your child what would those be?
   What is "Authoritarian / Authoritive / Permissive" parenting style?
   What happens when you hold your child responsible and accountable?

But what if I damage their Psyche?  (p.47)
   Kids need Acceptance, Belonging and Competence.
   What are your top expectation for you child right now?
   How important is it to you that your child feels good about themself?
The Doctor is In...  It's you!  (p.55)
   It's time to launch  (p.65)
   Plan for Success  (p.67)
   Top 10 Count down  (p.69)
  Even though the published title
"Have a New Kid by Friday - Dr. Kevin Leman"   has a neutral religious perspective -these sessions include some Christian/Biblical perspective.
Sponsored by TLGF      Host: Steve and Joyce Dennis
This is different than other courses I've taken -I like how down to earth and practical he is.  (single mom)
"I need this -just to have a some encouragement"  (mother of four)
I just don't find anywhere I can talk about church things -it's like a vacuum
We had a good time talking a number of things on and off topic