The Call to be Loved and Forgiven
Healing comes from being Loved and learning Forgiveness.
True Strength comes from knowing the real Source of Life
Evidence of healing is bringing others to find God's healing
The Call to Linger in Worship of GOD
Worship is an attitude of heart. To worship the Almighty
begins with realizing my unworthy and helpless state.
Worship deeply engages the body, mind and spirit,
Worship is purposeful and willing expression of love and loyalty
The Call for Leaders in Change
To change our world - I need God to change to me first.
Those who lead well, know who they themselves follow.
Jesus said, "Come follow Me... If any thirst... I AM the Truth...
The Call to Identify the Nation's Spiritual Elders
The Challenge is to be a leader in your community, ones who the
youth can look to and consult in a complex and God rejecting
world of shame, crime, fear and sin. To have those who will
point the way to Jesus and be a "light house on trouble seas."
First Nations Leadership Convention 2025
Hosted this year by:
Thorhild Living Gospel Fellowship
Box 394 Thorhild, AB T0A3J0
602 4st Thorhild, AB
Registration: 9:00 - 10:00
Morning Session
Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00
Afternoon Session
Coffee Break 3:00 - 3:30
Supper: 5:00 - 6:30
Closing Session
(ending by 8:00pm)
Meals will be provided
(costs covered by donations)
Overnight housing must
be privately arranged.
Contact TLGF for info on
locals willing to host guests
Event will include:
Various Musical Groups
Small group prayer
Bible based teaching
Discussion groups
Stories & Blessings
Food & Fellowship
FNLC is an inter-denominational effort in support of our true Christian values, healing, growth and leadership developement for the upcoming generations.
This grass roots concept is from the Bible (2Timothy2:2) where the elders are involved in the spiritual training and guidance of those that follow. The key to this ministry are those traditional values of the first nations people that are evidenced by those willing to consult and follow the advice of their elders. When those elders are spiritual anchors of the Christian faith, their engagement with the younger generations becomes pivitol in many life changing decisions. The importance of all this is guarded by those who live purposefully for the glory of Jesus Christ.
The need for this movement and mindset is stirring in many places across the land. It is our desire to see some consolidation, exposure and affirmation of those chosen and exhibited as leaders in the ways of God. We long to see the youth with a sense of purpose and direction. We long to see Moms and Dads with resolve and confidence in their ability to excell in their purpose as found only by being reconciled to God. We long that through the example of the first nation peoples, that all the peoples of our country will be influenced towards a vibrant trust and relationship in Jesus Christ.
You are invited to be involved by attending the "Day of Prayer" (Jan 25) in preparation for a nation wide gathering of spiritual leadership of those that are God honouring followers of Jesus Christ. The plans have begun for the future.
mission statement
task group
key contacts
Our focus: A Day of Prayer
A New Day for all Tribes and Nations